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Design features familiar 'Great Bear' grizzly

New business partnership to support habitat protection and conflict prevention for bears.

Montana land trust takes next step to conserve critical roadless area for threatened grizzly bears and other wildlife.

Collaborative agreement will protect prized wildlife habitat and forestland that once hosted area's early conservation events

State's First Capture in 30 Years Marks Recovery Progress

On July 8, community members and collaborating partners will gather in Troy, Mont. to celebrate the founding of Alvord Lake Community Forest. The 142-acre forest is the result of more than a decade of efforts to protect the lake's scenic shoreline from real estate development. After partnering with local group Friends of Alvord Lake and many other contributors, the Vital Ground Foundation purchased the parcel thanks to a generous grant from the U.S. Forest Service's Community Forest Program.

The Vital Ground Foundation, the world's premier grizzly bear conservation organization, has raised more than $400,000 over the last eight years through its participation in the Montana Charity License Plate Program. Featuring the artwork of Montana-based painter Monte Dolack, the Vital Ground charity plate has become one of the state's most popular while providing Montanans a unique opportunity to support the protection and restoration of grizzly habitat in the Northern Rockies.